Relationship Rules - Easy Tips to Create More Love and Less Conflict【電子書籍】[ Van Davie ]


<p data-version="1.1"><strong>Chapter 1: Why Men Need To Be Successful?</strong></p><p>Men and women communicate very differently. Men tend to be problem solving base communicators and used logic and reason while women tend to be emotionally based communicators and use relation examples to get their points across.? Their approaches in solving problems are sometimes the root cause why a man and a woman in a relationship find themselves fighting. Although there’s really nothing wrong about their individual approaches in addressing their problems, as these are really innate among them, having no knowledge about these differences can sometimes fuel the issue.</p><p><strong>Chapter 2: Making Her Unable To Resist You</strong></p><p>When you take care of yourself and you invest in yourself personally you make yourself a happier person. You look happier. You look healthier. Woman notice you more. They pay attention on these things. You know why I look at all the people that I went in high school with the overwhelming majority of them. I mean they look awful they’re totally out of shape. They’re unhealthy. Most of them never set foot in the gym before. And these are somebody’s people I want to suggest in.</p><p/>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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